How to Get Needed Care With Your Medicare Advantage Plan
From annual wellness visits to urgent care, here’s how your Medicare Advantage plan helps you get the care you need.
Did you know there’s a specialized Medicare Advantage plan that provides comprehensive, coordinated care for people in senior living communities?
Whether it’s a BOGO at the grocery store or free appetizer at a restaurant, everyone loves a bonus. Wouldn’t it be nice to get perks from your health insurance plan too?
How often do you or someone you know end up getting sick during the holidays? It shouldn’t be all that surprising: People are mingling more just when a new flu season is on the upswing, making it easy for the flu to spread. This can make the holidays a dangerous time for you as an older adult—and even more so if you have any health issues.
Depending on your SCAN plan, you may have some new benefits in 2025, or current benefits that will be even better next year. No matter what your plan, you can expect to save some time or money in 2025—because we know those things are important to you, too.
Have you noticed SCAN’s brand-new website? Not only does scanhealthplan.com look different, but we’ve made it easier for you to find information and manage your benefits quickly and easily.
We want to be sure you get all the care you need to be your healthiest. So, here’s a gentle reminder: There’s still time before the end of the year to schedule important exams and screenings.
It’s the Medicare Advantage annual enrollment period (AEP), which means scammers are once again targeting your Medicare benefits.
“Holiday blues” may not be its real medical name, but the melancholy brought on by the season’s stress can be very real for some people. Thinking a bit now about how you can reduce or cope with the season’s challenges may help you feel more good tidings and less stress this holiday.
Wondering about your 2025 SCAN benefits? Find key details in your SCAN member account, online resources, and upcoming mail—no phone call required!
If ever there’s a time of year when our healthy habits are in danger, it’s likely the holiday season. From mid-November to early January, we tend to stay up later, indulge more and move less. That’s a problem because pausing good habits can have consequences on your health long after the holidays are over.
Look for a plan that fits you better. SCAN offers several Medicare Advantage plans tailored to the unique needs of Asian Americans, women and people who identify as LGBTQ+.